Hometown: Bushnell, Illinois
Nickname: pretty much always went by Joe Bob
Favorite Artists: Eric Church
Favorite Movies: Superbad, The Hangover
Favorite TV Shows: Ozark, Breaking Bad, Big Bang Theory, Seal Team
Favorite Actor: Mark Wahlberg
Favorite Actress: Kaley Cuoco
Favorite Foods: pizza and steak
Favorite Drink: Pendleton Whisky and Diet Mt. Dew
Favorite Quote: “I’ve never really wanted to go to Japan. Simply because I don’t like eating fish. And I know that’s very popular out there in Africa” Britney Spears
Favorite Sports Team: Dodgers
Favorite Artist/Group: Poison
What song Describes You Best: The Massacoustics “Underachiever”
My Name If I Was Famous: Batman
I Got Into Radio Because: I grew up listening to the radio and fell in love with it
What Did I Do Before I Got Into Radio: the list is long
The Worst Job I Ever Had: selling DirecTV
If I Wasn’t Doing Radio…I’d Be: Driving a truck
My Most Prized Possession: my sarcasm
What do you like to do in your spare time? Ride motorcycles